Jeff Allen

About     Maps     Photos     Words

I make maps, both for work and as a hobby.

My largest recent hobby cartography project was a vintage-style wall map of Central Toronto, about 60cm x 90cm (2' x 3') in size. The goal was to make a map for my home office as well as print a few to give as gifts. Click on the image below to view at a higher resolution.

Below are links to a number of my other cartography projects as well as a few other visual experiments (data viz, sketches, notes, "art", etc.) from the past decade or so. These projects vary quite a bit in terms of scope, scale, process, and purpose. They are somewhat ordered chronologically by creation date. Most are available to share under Creative Commons licenses, unless stated otherwise.

My day job also includes making maps, charts, dashboards, and data stories about various urban issues (transportation, housing, sustainability, etc.). Most of these projects are developed on GitHub and many have a home on the School of Cities website.

Please reach out to me at for any questions, etc. about anything you see! :)

toronto bike share trips
tor kaleidoscope 2
tor kaleidoscope 1
parks vs parking toronto
montreal night
dog density toronto
dogs per capita toronto
access to skating rinks
greater golden horseshoe emissions
greater golden horseshoe overview
utsc postcard
church st streetcar
montreal postcard
knowledge of french in ontario
toronto apartment history
downtown-ish toronto vintage map
greater toronto area pop density
random voronoi toronto
canada population by longitude 2021
toronto hamilton trip
every building in scarborough
ottawa 2c
office ratings
transit access to foodbanks
an imaginary city
vietnam (6wa)
immigration X accessibility (syd & tor)
ttc 2054
usa commute flows
V A P O R | R A I L
suburbanization of transport poverty (poster)
ontario line equity (poster)
urban form 3 (w)
three cities (g)
ttc schedule change covid
surrounding halifax
patterns of poverty toronto
southeast asia (p)
city re-sketch
usa population growth (1900-1500)
mode share ses toronto
intro to qgis tutorial 2019
hamilton 1971 tvs/person
simple itineraries
corona residents' workplaces
dry bones world (p)
pueblo del sol
access to employment in canadian cities
space-time prism schematic
simple transit tiles
global map book
student travel (poster)
sky river
bike share trips toronto 2017
city guesser
patagonia and nearby ocean
europa blue
utsc commuting patterns
simple walking buffer schematic
stacked percent plots of travel barriers
population density + figure ground
seoul districts
difference-in-difference plots - bike lanes
icosahedral world map
parking ticket density in toronto, 2016
calgary three modes to city hall
volcanoes & tectonic plates
travel times - bike vs. transit
home-campus trips gta
urban swatches
montreal commuting tree
mlb team relocation
access to transit service toronto
transit access to jobs toronto
simple distance to transit schematic
toronto traffic lights
huaraz terrain
se scarborough typographic map
purple city wallpaper
drone strikes in afghanistan
access to jobs in toronto
uae expatriate demographics
just the roads of great britain
winnipeg dynamic transit isochrone
unesco heritage sites
isochronic commuter rail map
dubai b/w
cinema screens per capita
olympic cities
migration routes of syrian refugees
blueprint google maps
visualizing toronto's transit ridership
libraries and population density in toronto
rinks, population density, and income
toronto fractal tree
calgary fractal tree
nhl team relocation
transit stop frequency in montreal
north america high speed rail
global human footprint
hex bins of university students
global topographic base-map
toronto building heights 2015
toronto's red light cameras
mapping harrer's seven years in tibet
usa rail
arch city
cosmic streetcar loop
river city
palace of purification