Jeff Allen

About     Maps     Photos     Words

Hello there! and welcome to my website :) I am a cartographer and urban data scientist based in Toronto.

I currently work as Lead, Data Visualization at the School of Cities. Previous to this, I was working towards a PhD in Geography (completed in 05/2022).

At the moment, this site acts as a visual library for a few of my mapping and photography projects.

Feel free to check out my GitHub profile, which is a hodgepodge of geographic data analysis/science/cleaning projects (mostly using Python or PostGIS) or developing smaller scale web-based interactive maps and data viz projects (recently with Svelte and some combination of D3, MapLibre, Leaflet, and/or Mapbox).

Elsewhere, I'm on Mastodon and LinkedIn. I also occasionally contribute to OpenStreetMap.

Feel free to contact me at if you have any comments or questions about anything you find here, or if you just want to say hi!